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Revolutionary new play 2 earn telegram game

Shake to earn

The harder you shake, to more you earn
The higher your level, the more you earn but the longer you recover
Recovery in
Every skin has unique features that help you earn more, recover faster, be higher and stonger than other players
Accessories also impact gameplay and have their own features
Compete other players and become the best in all leagues
/ 10000
Invite friends and get rewards! Shaking together is way more fun!
Invite a friend and get
5 000

Combine pleasure with fun and profit

Pump your muscles. It’s so cool when your hands are lean and ripped!
Improve your skills. You never know when you might need this.
5 minutes with this game burn 69ccal

It’s also just a lot of fun. shake and earn!

We’re developing our own coin that will be directly integrated into FruTon gameplay and other of our games. Coins earned in one game will be available in other games to spend.

We’ve been developing games since 2014. Today we’re focused on WEB3 titles for Telegram. We’ve got very comprehensive and diverse experience in gamedev: ultra casual games, puzzles, RPGs, midcore shooters, AR games etc. Follow our updates and don’t miss lots of other games that we’re actively developing right now.